Are You Ready to Finally BREAK THROUGH the SELF DOUBT, FEAR, and WORRY that Have Been Holding You Back from Living Your Dream Life?

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In the DreamBuilder® Program you will Ignite the Fire of the Dream within YOU, so that YOU Can Create and Live a Life YOU Absolutely LOVE - a Life Totally Satisfying to your SOUL!

Have You Noticed How Easy It Was to Dream When We Were Kids…

  • Our imagination was boundless! As young children, we would describe our vision of the future with Crayola-color clarity – the career we would love to have, the house we would love to live in, the places we would visit and the amazing things we would do.
  • But as we get older, doubt creeps in and those vivid dreams begin to fade. Maybe we tried to reach a few goals, but didn’t quite get there. Maybe others told us we didn’t deserve it, or laughed that we even tried. Maybe we believed it’s greedy to want more and moral to settle for what we already have.

The good news is, you can learn to dream again.

…and not only dream, but actually make that dream come true, as the life you live!


If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck and NOT in love with your life, it’s not your fault! Most of us were never taught HOW to turn a dream into reality, up until now…

And today, I’m offering you an opportunity to learn an easy, step-by-step system that can banish doubts, resurrect your dreams, and give you an exact plan to go from where you are now to whatever dream life you imagine.

A life where you…

  • Receive an infinite, positive flow of abundance, knowing every day that you’ll have all the support you need to create the lifestyle you want…

  • Easily replace stress and worry with relaxation and confidence…

  • Spend as much time as you like with the people you love most…

  • Make a difference with your work, and living with a sense of purpose and ending each day feeling fulfilled and overflowing with joy…

By learning the ‘Dreambuilding’ system, you’ll master the secrets to success, unlock the spiritual power already inside of you and create the life you dream of and deserve.

This system has worked for thousands of my Clients, from all walks of life, from all over the world… And when you apply this system accurately, it will work for you, too!


Florence Rita Rickards

Photo: Florence Rita Rickards

Photo: Florence presenting at the Deaf Blind Soiree

Photo: Florence with Bob Proctor

Photo: Florences story published in The Province

Photo: Florence (Right) and Mary Morrissey (Left)

Photo: Florence at her Ignite Your Dreams™ LIVE Event at Coast Capri Ball Room, Kelowna, BC

Photo: My Two Black Belts - Success and Failure

Hi, I’m Florence Rita Rickards, and for 40+ years my passion and purpose has been empowering people from all over the World to Connect/Reconnect with their Passion and Purpose, Realize their Dreams, bring their unique Talents, Skills and Abilities to the World, Make the Difference they are here to make, and in the process create Lives they absolutely LOVE living – Lives that are Totally Satisfying to their SOUL!


A sought-after authority on Realizing Your Dreams, Overcoming Adversity, and the “Invisible Side of Success”, I’ve been honored to be the keynote speaker, presenter and facilitator at hundreds of significant Events such as the Women of Excellence Conference, the Single Mothers Conference, the Healthy Life Style Event – Port Moody, the Special Education Assistants Annual Recognition event, The Deaf Blind Soiree for the Senses, the Career Development Conference (for several years), Network for Education and Training for Rehabilitation and Career Development Practitioners Events and Conferences, the Human Resources Training and Development roundtable, Numerous Business Networking Events, The Salvation Army Ministers Retreat at the Harrison Hot Springs Hotel, Providing a Special Customized, Inspirational and Motivational Christmas training event for hundreds of employees at The Hudson Bay Company in Downtown Vancouver, and for many more Organizations in both the public, private and non-profit sectors.


As an award winning, dynamic, inspirational speaker, teacher, facilitator, author, and heart-centred transformational Life, Business and Executive Coach and Corporate Consultant, my customized talks and seminars have made me one of the elite teachers in personal development. I hold a Masters Degree in Business Administration with a focus on “Organizational Learning”. I am a Professional Certified Co-Active Coach certified by the elite Coaches Training Institute of San Rafael California, a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor, a Chartered Professional in Human Resources, a Registered Social Worker (np), a Certified Transformational DreamBuilder Coach, a Certified Life Mastery Consultant certified by Mary Morrissey and the Brave Thinking Institute, and a Certified Bob Proctor, Life Success Consultant.


My passion is facilitating, guiding, motivating, inspiring. energizing and empowering people and organizations on their journey to success and fulfilment. Over the years I have synthesized the best from psychology, human development, business, communications, personal development, mentoring, counselling, spirituality and coaching, to help individuals and organizations realize their passion, achieve their maximum potential, accelerate their results, live their dreams and CREATE lives they LOVE living!


I am currently the creator and founder of the Create a Life YOU Love Institute an organization dedicated to inspiring, empowering, encouraging, coaching, guiding, and supporting individuals to find their Purpose and Passion, Realize their Dreams, Bring their Unique Talents, Skills and Abilities to the World so they can make the Difference they are here to make, and in the process CREATE Lives they absolutely LOVE living — Lives that are Totally Satisfying to their SOULS!


During my 40+ year career, I have created 4 multi-location, multiple six figure businesses. My first, Success Unlimited Training Institute was a perfect example of The Invisible Laws in Action! It is also an example of being aware of and accessing infinite possibilities! This multi-location, multiple six figure Organization was created, developed, and expanded in lightning speed! When I look back on it now, like Bob Proctor says, I need a Telescope to see how far I have come. What I accomplished in such a short time period boggles the mind! I had a Team of roughly 15 absolutely awesome employees and several locations. Within its first year, Success Unlimited became an Accredited Private Training Institute recognized by the Private Career Training Association of British Columbia, and approved by Federal and Provincial governments for Student Loans and Grants for all Certificate and Diploma programs. Accomplishing such a feat in that short a time period was unheard of then and to this day.


I am the author of: “Finding your Dharma…Your Passion…Your Purpose in Life” featured in the book, “Living an Extraordinary Life”, two audio programs entitled, “Take Back Your Life – Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World” and “Breaking the Chains of Mediocrity – Being a No Limit Person!”, and the CD, “IGNITE YOUR PASSION! REALIZE YOUR DREAMS!”


After helping to pioneer the first Canadian University of Phoenix campus and teaching 25 different courses in the graduate and undergraduate Business programs, I received the Sperling Award of Teaching Excellence from the University of Phoenix for Excellence in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level. I also received both the Woman of Distinction Award (for Professional and Voluntary Leadership and Innovative Programming for over 25 years in the Human Services and Personal Development Fields), and the Courage to Come Back Award for Overcoming Social and Economic Adversity and taking what I learned from that and dedicating my life to improving the lives of others.

My motto in life is and always has been, “Never! Never! Never! Give Up on Your Dreams!


And, if you can’t climb over the mountain, then go around it, or under it or tunnel through it, or fly over it? But, find a way! There is always a way and always a Solution! Every adversity, every failure, every heartache, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” ~ Napoleon Hill. And, “when you are in the field of Uncertainty, you are in the field of all possibilities.” Florence Rita Rickards


Out of all of my achievements and accolades there are two that I am most proud of, my two Black Belts. One in Success and the other in Failure. Both were equally instructive in terms of discovering the system to creating a life of joy, purpose, passion and abundance.


I have had incredible Successes – I’ve Soared like an Eagle, but, I have also had tremendous heartaches and difficulties.

You see my life was not always the Success it is today. In fact, when I was a young girl, I had decided that I was going to be a Psychologist. But when I was 16 years old, my family moved from Winnipeg to Vancouver. One day I was making plans to go to the local high school. My intention was to graduate. I was absolutely shocked and dismayed, when my Father said, you are not going back to school! You are a girl and grade ten is plenty good enough for you. You are just going to get married and have a bunch of kids anyway! I cried and cried and begged and pleaded. But, my dad said, “it is time you get a job and start paying room and board around here.”


My dad ruled the house. So, I got a job at the local restaurant as a waitress. We had just moved from Winnipeg and I did not know anyone or have any friends. I was being severely abused at home – physical beatings, verbal and emotional abuse. It was like living in a war zone. One night my mother beat me so bad I had fist size bruises from head to toe. Then she dragged me down a flight of stairs by my pony tail and cut my pony tail off. That night I was sure she was going to kill me. She was in such a rage she came at me with the scissors saying she was going to cut up my face. I was so terrified that I jumped from the 3rd story window onto the roof of the shed and then down to the ground.


I ran to the only person I knew, Andreas, the cook at the restaurant where I was waitressing. He was 26 years old and I was 16. He said he would marry me and take me away from all the abuse. Instead, months later he disappeared when he found out I was pregnant never to be seen or heard from again.


Photo Above: Florence (16) just before leaving Winnipeg to move to Vancouver


Photo: Florence 8 1/2 months pregnant with her brothers Joe (Left) and Tommy (Right)

Photo: Baby Andrew - 3 1/2 weeks old.

Photo: Baby Andrew

My father was so angry with me when he found out I was pregnant that he would not let me come home. Keep in mind that this happened in the late 60’s when being an “unwed” mother was shameful. Because my dad would not let me come home, I ended up in a Salvation Army homeless shelter and on welfare. Being a Catholic girl, the Priest and the Catholic Children’s Aide Society as well as the Government run Children’s Aide Society were all after me, trying to get me to sign papers to give my baby up for adoption.

As difficult as my situation was, I was determined to keep my baby and give him a good life. When I walked into Grace Hospital alone at 3:00 am in the morning, I did not know what I was going to go through to give birth, but, I was certain, no one was going to take my baby!!

I gave birth to a strong, healthy baby boy. He weighed 9 lbs 1oz and was 23 1/2 inches long. I had already rented a small housekeeping room in a boarding house and I had bought a small crib that just fit. And, as soon as my son was born, I started going to night school.

I was determined to go to night school forever if that was what it took to realize my dream of giving my son a good life…a life better than the one I had, and of realizing my dream of becoming a psychologist. I just wouldn’t give up. In my heart of hearts, I KNEW there had to be more to life than being impoverished, abused and struggle.

At the time, my dream of becoming a psychologist seemed impossible. But I had a deep burning desire to help people so they would not have to suffer the way I had suffered growing up. And I was not going to give up!

I could not imagine back then the extraordinary life that I would end up living!

When my son was just a baby, I went back to school and received my grade 12 Certificate. Immediately following that, I enrolled in a Clerk-typist Course. It was not my passion nor my purpose but, it was the only option available to me to me at the time. “Do what you can with you’ve got from where you are at.”


I graduated from that program when my son was just one year old. I worked full-time as a Clerk typist for a company called London and Midland Insurance. But, my heart was not in it because I was more concerned about my baby, my son, and the care he was receiving while I was at work. I soon realized that he was not receiving the kind of care that I would give  him. It was heartbreaking knowing that he was not receiving good care and certainly not the kind of care and attention that I would give him!

I decided to quit my job and take care of my son myself. I enrolled in night classes at Langara College to work towards my calling, my Passion and Purpose.

When my son was 5 years old, a Kindergarten class opened up at the high school just down the street from where we lived. He attended Kindergarten 1/2 days. When he was 6 years old, he went to school full days. It was then that I discovered a way to go for my passion and purpose – my Soul’s Calling. And, let me tell you, once I found the way, that deep burning desire rose up in me like a volcano ready to burst forth!


Once I tapped into my Passion and Purpose and was on the path, it was the rocket fuel for realizing my Dream! I took out a student loan so I could go to college full-time and I became a Social Worker.

I wasn’t a psychologist, but I was living my passion and purpose – I was helping people so they would not have to endure what I had endured. I was helping people overcome adversity so that they could be all that they were capable of being – helping people achieve their maximum potential so that they could realize their dreams!

Once I zoned in on my passion and purpose, my soul’s calling, my life and my son’s life changed forever! And because I learned The Invisible Laws of Success, and what it took to Realize my first two DREAMS – keeping my baby and getting into a profession where I was helping people, I was able to repeat it.  I had proven time and again since the birth of my son that I could realize any dream that I desired. And, I have been realizing one dream after another ever since. 

And once I realized that, I was off and running! That is when I created my first Business, ” Success Unlimited Training Institute” where I was able to begin sharing the Dream building Process with thousands of people. 


Photo: Florence and Andrew


Photo: Andrew's First Day of School with his First Painting

"I realized that I had discovered a proven, repeatable, reliable process for realizing any DREAM and that I could share that proven, repeatable, reliable process with others."

And once I realized that, I was off and running! That is when I created my first Business, ” Success Unlimited Training Institute” where I was able to begin sharing the Dream building Process with thousands of people. 

Everything is Created twice

What I learned from studying the invisible Laws that govern the Universe, is that everything is created twice. Look around you. Everything you see was first a thought, an idea in someone’s mind, before it could become a physical thing. I learned that THOUGHTS REALLY ARE THINGS! And that what we think about becomes our reality. Our thoughts become the circumstances and conditions of our lives. At first this was hard to believe. But, as I put this realization into practice over and over again, I knew it was TRUTH.

That single idea led me to the discovery of a system that transformed my life. I decided to make it my life’s work to study every book and every great thinker that lived and wrote about the Invisible Laws that govern the Universe so that I could share it with others. These Invisible Spiritual Laws contained the secrets that all the Great Achievers throughout history had used.

I discovered that these Universal Laws of success are just as reliable as the law of electricity.

Once you understand how to work with these Laws, it’s possible to achieve anything you have ever dreamed about.

There are also beliefs that work in opposition to these Laws. No matter how well you understand the Universal Laws, if you do not repattern your thoughts, you will never be able to create a life you love living.


This is the ONLY way you can create the time and money freedom you desire; enjoy loving, healthy relationships; be filled with energy and vitality; and pursue the activities that fill you up with joy and give purpose to your life.

As I learned how to harness these laws and repattern the thoughts that were holding me back in my own life…

  • I began speaking and empowering larger and larger audiences.
  • My income quadrupled, and my impact in the world expanded.
  • I built 4 Large, Multi Location Businesses from scratch by sharing these principles all over the world, and impacting tens of thousands of people.
  • My son graduated from Simon Fraser University with his Bachelor of Arts Degree. And then with his Bachelor of Education degree. Like me, once he locked onto his Passion and Purpose, there was no stopping him! He teaches several high school subjects, runs the entrepreneurial Program and impacts hundreds of young lives every year.
  • Just as importantly, I’m now able to dance and play with my grandchildren and spend time with those I love.


  • And over the years I’ve been able to do the philanthropic work that matters to me. I have volunteered thousands of hours of my time and expertise supporting organizations that serve and empower people to realize their maximum potential and realize their dreams.
  • And, I am able to donate to causes that are near and dear to my heart. I’ve been able to donate to the Unstoppable Foundation, an organization that creates wells that bring fresh water to villages in Africa and also build schools for children who otherwise wouldn’t get an education. And, I donate to local organizations that provide food and shelter to the homeless and to organizations that save animals.
  • Over the years I have fostered, adopted and raised different animals. I adopted a 6lb traumatized kitten named Peaches who would have been put down, except Sasha and I fell in love with her the moment our eyes met.
  • I am currently the proud momma of my second American Eskimo, Nanook. My first, Sasha, lived to the biblical age of 19 1/2 years. 😊

Florence and her son Andrew at his 2nd Graduation when he graduated with his two year Bachelor of Education. 1st was his BA at Simon Fraser University

Photo: Florence and her great nieces and nephews visiting from Winnipeg, so I could see my new born great niece, baby Ariel.

Photo: Florence, her Grandchildren and Sasha at the park in Kelowna.

Photo: The Photogenic Sasha

Photo: My Precious Peaches

Photo: Nanook at 12 weeks old

These Laws haven’t just worked for me, they’ve worked for hundreds of thousands of people, and these Laws will work for you too!

Why Can't You Have Everything You Want?

Here’s a little secret about human beings and abundance… we all have abundance “thermostats” that determine how much abundance we experience in our lives.


When your abundance levels fall below where your “thermostat” is set… you’ll unconsciously shift to start attracting more abundance until it matches your thermostat setting – just like your heating system kicks in when your house gets too cold.


When your abundance level gets too high, you’ll unconsciously do things to close yourself off until your abundance falls back down to your thermostat setting – just like the air conditioning system cools your house off until it matches your thermostat.

If you want to know where your thermostat is set, just look at the results and life you’re experiencing right now.
My guess is that they are lower than you’d like them to be, which means it’s essential that you raise the setting on your thermostat to allow in more abundance!
If you don’t take action today to adjust the setting, I can promise you this…
One year from now, you’ll realize that nothing has changed.
  • You’re still working hard, still working long hours and you still don’t have the time off you want.
  • Your income is still much lower than you want … so you don’t have the money you want to pay for and do the things you deeply long for.
  • You’re still stressed out about being able to save for important things like your children’s or grandchildren’s educations, not to mention your own retirement.
  • Family events and fun opportunities have slipped away because you don’t have the time or money freedom to have the ability to say yes to what you would love.

If you relish the idea of things staying the same, then by all means… don’t seize this opportunity.


But, if you crave a different, better and more abundant life – and more importantly, you’re ready to take action to create it…


I would love to help you turn up your ‘Abundance Thermostat’ and create a life you love…


just like I’ve helped so many others.

Successful people make decisions quickly ... and change them very slowly (if ever). Unsuccessful people make decisions very slowly, and change them often and quickly.

This is your opportunity. Are you ready to seize it?​

Whats Holding You Back?

In my years of study, I’ve discovered that there are mental blocks that can completely sabotage your progress and keep you from the results you want – IF you don’t know what they are and how to overcome them.

Common Beliefs Include

  • “I don’t have time to dream – I need to be responsible and take care of my family” Feeling that dreaming is not a worthy activity because you are not in control of your future is a sure-fire way to stay in your current life. It’s easy to push your longings and desires aside and stay stuck when you believe that life happens “to you” and not “through you”.
  • “I’m not ______ (smart, confident, young, healthy, etc.) enough” or “I don’t have enough ______ (time, money, experience, etc.).” Allowing your current circumstance, situation or condition to create doubt in your ability to live your dream life is a dream-killer!
  • “I can’t be successful in ALL areas of my life.” Believing that there is a limited amount of success available in life is a common limiting belief. Others believe if you experience success in one aspect of your life, you are not deserving of happiness in other areas of your life too.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these common beliefs?

It’s okay if you do! Most people have at least some of these beliefs… which means that it’s normal to have these beliefs blocking your dream life, preventing you from experiencing more meaningful relationships, time and money freedom and a greater sense of purpose.

But just because it’s normal, doesn’t mean it will serve you in realizing your dreams.

What Are Your Negative Beliefs Costing You?

  • Are you having to spend too much time away from your family, friends and others you love?

  • Is your health including sleep suffering because you’re weighed down every day by stress and anxiety?

  • Do you feel trapped doing work you don’t love – or worse, work that makes you feel like you have to check your soul at the door?

  • Do you wish you had deeper connections with your significant other, family and friends?

  • Do you wish that you could give more time or money to causes you are passionate about?

Now consider how long you’ve been feeling the discontent of not living a fulfilling, balanced and joyful life…

For most people, it’s been years. For some, decades.


If you’re like most people who are brave enough to face this truth, the realization that you are settling  for a life that does not fulfill you can be extremely painful (believe me, I know from experience!).


But with truth and awareness also comes opportunity! 

Because, as I said above… "There IS a proven, repeatable, reliable SYSTEM you can follow to create a life you absolutely love living - a Life totally satisfying to your SOUL! It’s worked for thousands of my clients from all walks of life, all ages, all over the world.”

Florence Rita Rickards

Introducing the DreamBuilder® Program

The DreamBuilder® Program is a proven, reliable and
repeatable system designed specifically to help you:


  • Gain crystal clear clarity on how to create an Ignited Vision of your dream that pulls you toward success (no need to stress, push, figure it all out or make it all happen on your own)


  • Turn all your fear, doubt, worry or procrastination into inspiration, confidence, clarity and action (this is how you stay the course and see real results)


  • Harness the power of your intuition so that you can make the right decisions every step of the way (learning to trust your intuition is one of the keys to success I teach in this program)

Throughout the program as you listen to the audios and go through the exercises, you will be in a Structure of Support, with Your personal Master Coach and Life Mastery/Life Success Consultant, Florence Rita Rickards. Florence has over 40 years of experience with the concepts presented in this program and with her you will receive customized support, coaching, guiding, and teaching.

In just 12 weeks, Florence will guide you through this groundbreaking program that will raise your vibration so that you become a magnet for more time and money freedom, more joy, fulfillment and balance in all areas of your life.

You Are Ready For This Program If...

Stressed business woman
  • You are feeling stuck. You have an aching sense that you need to do something, anything that will propel you out of your current state – but you can’t. It’s like you are frozen. Nothing feels available or good enough.

  • You’re tired of standing back and looking at other people who seem to have it all, and wondering what has prevented you from achieving the same level of success, happiness and fulfillment. You’ve witnessed how others have unlocked the abundance in our Universe, but your current life doesn’t reflect what you know is possible.

  • You have a deep desire to help those around you – your kids, your grandchildren,  your parents, but you feel limited to serve or give to your loved ones in the way you really want.

  • You feel unfulfilled in one or more areas of your life – your health, your relationships, your time and money freedom or your vocation – but you’re afraid that if you ask for more in one of those areas, you’ll lose the good you already have in another.

  • You’ve had some success in creating a life you love, but you can’t seem to sustain your momentum. Once things start to go well, you find yourself waiting for the other shoe to drop, and then things shift backwards towards a mediocre life.

  • You are looking for people who believe, as you do, that we live in a world of infinite abundance, but you haven’t been able to find a network of like-minded, heart-centered people who will support you in your dream-building journey.

  • You believe deep down that you were put on this Earth to make a difference, but you haven’t figured out how to have the inspired confidence or attract the material resources you need to truly live up to your potential.

  • You love to learn, and you know you’re so close to having a breakthrough. You know that if you just had the right system, and the right support, you could transform everything in your life for the better.

If any of these statements resonate with you, The DreamBuilder® program is the vehicle to the greater life you’ve been waiting for.

"Listen to your heart, pay whatever it costs, and don't look back. Because the price you will pay to realize your dreams is small, compared to the price you must pay for permitting your dreams to die."

Florence Rita Rickards

What Does A Dream Life Look Like to You?

How would your life transform if you were truly living your dream?

To help you imagine the possibilities, take a look at how life changed for a few of my clients after adopting the principles you’ll discover in The DreamBuilder® Program...

Success Stories

Niki Martinus Registered Massage Therapist, Owner of Gecko Massage Therapy, Singer/Songwriter/Musician

"I met Florence at a very transitional time in my life, even though at the time I didn't fully understand quite how transitional it was. I only knew that what she was offering resonated with what I was feeling about my world. After my Complimentary Dreambuilder Strategy Session with Florence, I decided to try a different route which was NOT focused on my current circumstances but rather on my Vision of what my true path and purpose really was! And, I enrolled in her Elite Dreambuilder Program.

As events and circumstances have unfolded in my life, Florence has been my ROCK, and the Dreambuilder Program has been profoundly life changing to say the least. In all, I completed the Elite Dreambuilder Program, the Elite Science of Getting Rich Program, the Standing Firm When Your World is Shaking Program, and the Elite Working with the Law Program.

I now have a deep sense of connection to my greater good and a clear Vision of what I want for myself and my two young sons. I feel peace through turmoil, I feel released from resentments, I feel Confident on my path.

After a lifetime of "wishing" to be a songwriter, I have music flowing readily and continuously and I see the life I dream of unfolding before me! I am performing regularly and recently did a Tribute to Sarah McLaughlin.

Florence is incredibly committed and dedicated to helping me on my journey and I am forever grateful to have her in my life. ”

Carolyn Hutchison Holistic Healer, Coach and Consultant

The Dreambuilder Program was immensely helpful in terms of teaching me more about myself: my beliefs, my values, the things that are important to me, and how I can get in my own way at times. It also reaffirmed for me the Spiritual Laws that govern the Universe.

Florence's unwavering, support and dedication has made the biggest difference in my life. She has also taught me how to really celebrate the Successes and have Fun along the way, including patting myself on the back, ringing the bell, dancing to music, and taking my daughter out to celebrate my graduation from the Dreambuilder Program. My health and energy have improved greatly! I have experienced growth and expansion in every area of my life: health, time and money freedom, relationships, and career. I have found my Passion and Purpose and have made huge strides in focusing on and developing my holistic healing, coaching and consulting business. I have enrolled in Florence's Passion and Purpose to Profit Business Launch Program. As a result, my self confidence has increased greatly and I am much more courageous and willing to “put myself out there”. I am grateful to Florence for her incredible generosity with her time, the materials and resources. She has gone above and beyond for me! Florence is truly an example of someone dedicated to serving others and helping them to live a life they Love - a life filled with passion and purpose.

Matthew Klapwijk Mutual Fund Representative, World financial group Inc.

“I really enjoyed being in Florence’s Think and Grow Rich Program. My brother and I enjoyed it so much that my whole family enrolled in her next program which was The Science of of Getting Rich Program. We all attended together. The Weekly exercises and group discussions facilitated by Florence, enabled us to deepen our understanding of the principles and apply them in our lives. I Highly recommend Florence. She really shows her passion and caring for helping people and transforming lives.”

Kucki Low Speaker, Author, Pilot (South Africa's first female airline pilot)

"I want you to know that I consider your Ignite YOUR Dreams!™Coaching Program, the best you can find anywhere.

What makes this program so unique for me, is the way you share your wisdom and vast experience with a sincere desire to help us achieve our dreams. And you do it with such an open heart and such generosity.

I was so inspired after the call last night, I couldn’t wait to expand on my vision and do the exercise you shared with us! I love being part of this program and have already benefited hugely.

With much love, appreciation and gratitude,”

Regina Leung Holistic and Intuitive Healer

“The DreamBuilder Program was the most Transforming period of my Life. I learned lots and appreciated the precious learning opportunity. It was gratifying to know that even the slightest effort on my part in applying your teaching generated immediate and significant results. Your kind encouragement and open heart guided me to push past all known boundaries. I discovered my Strength that remained dormant within. Throughout the program I developed skills that will last a lifetime as the dreams on my list became reality one after another. You have been most kind and patient in allowing this process to unfold at my pace while coaching me with an uncompromising and steady hand. My work ethics, discipline, tenacity and strength was but a small scale of yours. As I observed how you walked the talk that generated results, it gave me confidence to follow the lead. When I lost steam and toyed with uncertainties, you encouraged me and held my vision high. When I made progress and stayed my course, you affirmed my efforts with cheers and celebrations.

I needed a Partner in Believing, and you offered strength and support. I went through trials and tribulations, you were my mirror and compass. You gave me feedback the way I needed to hear them. A student's magnitude of success and achievement is a direct reflection of the effort and devotion of the Master. As I take inventory of how much I have changed for the better and all that I have accomplished since we met, I can only express my utmost respect and deepest gratitude for the best miracles from the Source to me through you. My sincerest Thank You for all that you have gifted me, Florence; for following your Passion and for being the best coach ever! May you continue to inspire the World one Soul at a time. With Blessings, Love and Light,”

Courtenay Pitcher Business Owner, Kelowna, BC

"A couple of months ago, my business was flat and I felt stuck and discouraged. I had gained weight and weighed more than I had ever weighed in my life. I had no energy and I felt like my main client didn't appreciate my work. I wasn't sure how to help my employees or myself move forward. In fact, I had almost forgotten how to be creative and dream. Right about that time, I read your article in the Issues for Power magazine. I decided to commit to Your VIP, One-On-One, Dreambuilder Coaching Program and go for Gold!

Florence your program and your personal one-on-one coaching has literally transformed my life in so many positive ways and my business is growing and thriving again!

Here are some of the results I experienced: I created a detailed vision statement and found clarity around how powerful it is to write it down and then live from my vision. I manifested a $10,000 gift simply by being grateful. I found renewed joy and enthusiasm, gained a new business partner and secured two new speaking engagements. I experienced tremendous growth overall in my business with new ideas streaming towards me for speaking and mentoring. My whole family has begun an exercise program and I've started to shed pounds and build muscle. I increased my rate/fees and now I'm doing more creative and rewarding work.

I now have improved relationships with my family and my team; multiple speaking offers, and I'm being seen as a leader and a "go to" person. I decided that since I experienced such incredible results with your Program that I would recommend you to all my friends, colleagues and clients."

Adrienne Hogue Quebec, Canada

My Dear Florence: I have come to the end of my personal one to one, Ignite YOUR Dreams! - Dreambuilder Coaching Program with you this week.

I am speechless when I realize where I am in comparison to where I was when I started with you just a few short months ago.

You are incredibly dedicated and such a great partner in believing. You put your heart and soul in your work. Your knowledge and savvy of the invisible, universal laws is so fine-tuned. I feel your generous soul in everything you do. With your kind and firm hand you help me stay on my path. It is so easy to let go and go back to the old paradigms - the old way of thinking and the old way of looking at things and the old way of being.

The information, reference materials, books and exercises you provide and recommend are pure Gold. Working the Program with you as my coach and mentor is incredibly precious and powerful. Having you with your depth and breadth of personal and professional experience is priceless.

I am so happy and looking forward to doing the “Working with the Law” Coaching Program with you. I have discovered so much and I enjoy going deeper inside where I find my SELF. I am at peace and I am finding my way to have a fulfilling life.

I am very grateful for you and your work!

"You make such a difference in the world!"

Carlos Enrique Morales Lazcano Registered Psychologist, Pueblo, Mexico

I am very grateful for your heartfelt support and generosity of time and resources that enabled me to enrol in your VIP, one-on-one Dreambuilder Program. I felt blessed when you gifted me a substantial Scholarship to assist with the investment in myself and my future.

I appreciated your professionalism and dedication to helping me receive the absolute best from you and the program. It was wonderful being in such an incredible structure of support as I built my DREAM. I could tell that you wanted the best of me and for me, in every session. Your Confidence and belief in me, made me give my best, every time! As a result of being in your VIP Dreambuilder Program, I discovered some important things about myself and I now have increased self confidence and self- esteem. I also have a better understanding of how the Invisible Laws of the Universe work. I learned the importance of being perseverant, punctual and organized. In addition, I learned the true value of commitment to myself and my dreams.

Thank you very much coach Florence! I wish you every Blessing and Success!

Matthew Peat Director of Sales, Cancun, Mexico

"After just a few short weeks of the Dreambuilder Program, things started to change! I created a vision for the life I would love and read it day and night as Florence suggested and it is amazing how the things in my vision are becoming a reality! I learned what my values are - what's important to me! I went from getting a warning at work for low sales numbers, to being Top Producer for the next 2 months consecutively. I received bonuses, rewards, recognition and acknowledgement in front of my peers. It felt awesome!! I felt awesome!! With Florence's guidance and never ending enthusiasm and persistence, I started to reap many of the rewards that had previously eluded me. I am now currently earning nearly triple what I was earning when I started the program! My whole way of thinking and consciousness is completely different now!! My social life has changed completely. And, My relationship with my son has improved greatly. I realize that I have just scratched the Surface of what is possible for me. So I have decided to continue the Coaching with Florence by enrolling in her Into Your Genius Program. Thank you Florence for your dedication and great work in helping me and others be the best they can be and achieve their dreams!"

John Wall John Wall, Kelowna, BC

“Florence: The wonderful person who referred me to you and your Dreambuilder Program, is now becoming my spouse. This is making me a better man and that is all I want to be for her. I am becoming more and more and I can see that the life I love is within my grasp. I believe that the guidance I am receiving from you is imperative if I am to attain the life I dream of with her.

You said in our calls that this is what you were meant to do and I believe that. I see the laws at work all around me including you!! This program shows me that everyone of us, has a dream that requires us to become something more. And it is amazing to see you living your dream and to see those laws at work now requiring you to grow to meet the magnitude of your dream. It is an affirmation to me as well to see that this is truly your dream and the life that you love to live. It has made me a believer Florence! Thank you for helping me with this new awareness and guiding me on the path to a bigger, better me!!

Many thanks and in the deepest of gratitude.”

Jo-Ann Owen Program Assistant Recreation & Athletics, Simon Fraser University

"In spite of her numerous credentials and qualifications, she is a humble and approachable person who loves to Share her extensive knowledge and experience with others.

Florence has played a major role in my life. With her coaching I have been motivated to strive for and achieve exceptionally high standards in my personal and professional decisions and choices. She provided me with outstanding mentorship. She taught and encouraged me to meet challenges that I had never before thought possible!

She showed me the way. She believed in my capacity and dreams and this allowed me to advance with determination and confidence to achieve my goals. She helped me step outside my comfort zone, follow my dreams, grow, change, explore, take a chance and never give up!"

Mia Morin Member Service Manager, Vancouver City Savings Credit Union

"As a result of working with Florence, my performance as a manager has improved. More specifically, I have increased self-confidence and my problem solving, conflict resolution and performance feedback skills have improved greatly.

Through the coaching sessions Florence has inspired me to believe in myself and go for gold! She has been a great influence and support. I highly recommend her as a coach or mentor to individuals at anyl level of an organization and in any work environment or industry."

Nancy Bolton Manager, RainMaker Call Centre Inc.

"I first met Florence Rita Rickards at a Conference where she was the keynote speaker. As a result of her dynamic presentation, I decided to meet with her privately to discuss the possibility of providing me with business coaching. I was impressed with Ms. Rickards, and decided to contract her services. During this time, I found Florence to be a dynamic, upbeat, energetic, encouraging and inspiring person. Through her coaching, I was able to improve many aspects of my call center. This resulted in increased profits for the organization. Ms. Rickards accomplished this by using a variety of methods. One technique was the use of powerful questions. These questions made me think and helped me to see things clearly or in some situations, to see things differently or to see things with new eyes. Often we would come up with several different perspectives and then I could choose the one that was the best fit.

I also sent 10 of my employees to a wellness workshop that Miss Rickards facilitated my staff came back to work with renewed motivation and decreased stress levels.

Her coaching enabled me to tap into my personal strengths and skills. I was impressed with her dedication, professionalism and breadth of knowledge"

    What You’ll Receive When You Enroll

    This life-changing, 12-week program includes 5 simple, fun and powerful components:

    Part 1: 16 audios

    You will receive access to your audios every week. Inside each of these lessons, you’ll discover a different key of the Dream-Building system that will help move you closer toward your dreams.


    Listen to these simple, easy-to-follow, lessons on your computer, tablet or smartphone whenever – and wherever – is most convenient for you. 


    You will also receive a guidebook with exercises to help you incorporate the principles to your life. 

    Part 2: 16 'Gold Nuggets" Guides

    No more going back and digging through your notes! Each of the 16 lessons includes a downloadable “Gold Nuggets” summary of the most important concepts and effective, weekly action items to help you ground and apply what you’ve learned.


    By bringing these “Gold Nuggets” into your life through daily action, you’ll quickly build momentum on your way to creating a life that you truly love living.

    Part 3: Guided Meditations

    These 3 meditations fit perfectly with the DreamBuilder® Program because they will help you harness the immense power of your subconscious mind and help you realize you were born to live a happy, joyous, abundant, meaningful life. Meditation allows you to tap into your creativity in ways that you are unable to when your mind is full of racing thoughts. Through this process you will make a decision to embrace your infinite potential and creativity. It is important to tap into your creativity because it is how you craft a vision for your dream life.


    To attract the abundance you want, you must raise your vibration. That’s exactly what these meditations do for you.

    Part 4: 12 Private Coaching Sessions

    You will receive ongoing support, encouragement, and assistance from Florence. through scheduled weekly calls and email communication. And if you need her, for an urgent matter related to your coaching, you can reach her by phone.


    Throughout the program, Florence is there for you. She has your back every step of the way! You will also receive the answers to your most burning dream building questions throughout the Program.

    Part 5: The Mastermind

    A dedicated, private FaceBook page so that you will be able to connect with other Like Minded People from all over the world!

    Just by being in the program you will be part of a GREAT MasterMind which is one of the 8 major Keys to Success!

    Transformation and Expansion With…

    The DreamBuilder® Program makes it simple and easy to live your dream life.


    Attending Your Weekly Coaching Call with Master Coach, Florence Rita Rickards and immersing yourself in the DreamBuilder® Program  will help you stay connected to your highest potential and accelerate your results easier and faster than you could imagine!


    All it takes is about one hour each week to reprogram your subconscious mind, connect to
    the abundant universe, and make real measurable progress on creating a life you love living.

    Imagine what it will mean to your life and your family when you’re able to positively attract all the resources you need to create your dream life…and keep growing that dream consistently.


    Imagine how more peace of mind – and how much less stress – you’ll experience because you’re now in better control of your results.


    Imagine the satisfaction and gratitude you’ll feel because you’re able to spend an abundance of time with those you love – in the way you want – enjoying more connection, laughter and fun as you create lasting memories.


    Imagine the energy and vitality you’ll experience as your dreams come to life and you feel inspired and empowered to improve your health and well‑being every day.


    Imagine the fulfillment and deep feeling of meaning you’ll get when you give the impactful support you dream of to the charity or cause you believe in.

    I want you to imagine these types of transformationsbecause these are the stories I hear again and again from my clients who have learned and applied this life-changing system to their lives. It’s the experience I had – and it can be the experience you have, too, when you choose to join me.


    You’ve been craving greater time and money freedom for years – perhaps even your entire life.

    You deserve to have all of the abundance and freedom you want in your life. It’s in your spiritual DNA to want this kind of freedom.


    Now it’s time to take the next step… and enroll in The DreamBuilder™ Program.

    You’ll discover the step-by-step system to:

    • Identify the beliefs that are keeping your dreams at bay
    • Design and activate a crystal clear vision for your life
    • Become a vibrational match for your dream – and consistently stay a match while you progress in the direction of your dream
    • Discover the exact right map that will get you from where you are to where you want to be

    Let’s do this together!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How do I know if this will really work for me?

    A:  The DreamBuilder® Program will teach you how to align yourself with the laws of the universe. It’s that simple. If you apply the principles I’m going to teach you during this course, they will work for you – because they have to. The laws of mathematics always work, right? And so it is with the laws of the universe. This will work for everyone who takes the time to learn how to use it properly and expends the energy to practice it. Period.

    Q: What if I don't have the time or money to enroll in your program?

    A: Part of building and living your dream is to stop thinking based on your circumstances and start thinking in ideas. Perhaps finding a way to pay for and make time for this course can be your first exercise in dream building. Imagine that you did not think it was impossible for you to afford or attend this course. How could you pay for and find time for it?

    Q: I'm already enrolled in another coaching program. How will this provide additional help?

    A: Not only have I literally written the book on dream building, but I also continue to dream build. I’m constantly honing and testing my dreams, building partnerships in believing and expanding my own dream-building education. So I’m always right there – mentally and physically – in the dream-building world. I’ve studied it for 40 years, and I am absolutely passionate about helping you to succeed – that’s my own dream, and that’s what makes my program different.

    Our vision is to help you bring your biggest dream into reality. As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. Your results are completely up to you, your level of awareness, expertise, the action you take and the service you provide to others. Any testimonials, financial numbers mentioned in emails or referenced on any of our web pages should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings – all numbers are illustrative only, as I’m sure you understand. That being said, we believe in you and we are here to support you in making the changes you want for your life and giving you methods, strategies, and ideas that will help move you in the direction of your dream.

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