In the last newsletter I sent you a Guide to Writing Your Crystal Clear, Highly Magnetic IGNITED Vision. I hope that you have taken the time to write your IGNITED Vision for your life. Because, you can’t GET TO your DREAM, you must come FROM your Dream. You can’t transform your life without having a clear road map of what you would LOVE! A vision gives focus to your energy, thoughts and actions.But if your vision is vague or nonexistent, you become scattered. Your progress becomes haphazard and you end up frustrated, having made little measurable progress despite months or even years of effort. I can help.
And remember, everything was created twice – first in thought and then in form. So to create the life you would Love, you need to be THINKING of what you would LOVE!
In the last newsletter I promised that I would send you the 7 Step Formula for becoming a High Powered, Walking Magnet for the life YOU Would LOVE Living – the life you have described in your Ignited Vision. And here it is.
Keep in mind that if you want to create something different – something new, you need to learn to tune to a different frequency. You need to think and act differently and hence vibrate at a different frequency. Like the space shuttle to the moon, that spends 97 to 99.9% of its time off course, and constantly recorrects to land on the moon with accuracy, we need to notice our thinking and recorrect. That is how you get on and stay on the frequency of your Dream life.
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics. ~ Albert Einstein
Here are the 7 steps that will help you match the frequency of the reality you want and help you stay on course:
5. Stabilize – We cannot go through life without dealing with some tough challenges…..some tough stuff…..some bumps in the road that throw us off course. Just remember that the shuttle to the moon is constantly recorrecting and that is how it lands on the moon with accuracy. It’s not about not falling down and not making mistakes. It’s about getting back up and getting back on course. Our focus is to narrow the time between falling down or going off course and getting back up, getting back on course. I always say, “I have two black belts, one in success and one in failure.”
6. Actionize – What kind of action do you want to take? Calm, competent, quick action. Ask yourself, what is a quick, confident action I can take right away that will build momentum? Something that you know you can do well and will succeed at? What small action can I take right now that will be a win for me? The first throw of the football game is not an 80 yard throw it is a short confident action to build confidence and momentum. Take calm, confident action leaving no stone unturned. One small action a day, doing what we can, with what we have can go a long way to creating success!
7. Realize – What preparations do I need to make? What do I need to do to get my house in order?
By PRACTICING the above steps on a consistent basis you are becoming a high powered magnet for your dream! It is seeking you right now! It is seeking to be expressed by you! Don’t SETTLE for inspiration – take ACTION and put the above practices in place! Remember, inspiration without action is merely entertainment. |
Click the button below if you would like some help becoming a high powered walking magnet for the life YOU would LOVE! |
I look forward to supporting you! 🙂 |
This is YOUR Life Friend! ~ Together, Let’s Make It A GREAT One!