“If most people said what they were thinking, they would be speechless.” ~ Earl nightingale
“2 percent of the people think; 3 percent of the people think they think; and 95 percent of the people would rather die than think.” ~ Dr. Kenneth McFarland
The CHICKEN SOUP for the SOUL series was an idea that came from “THINKING”.
Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen came up with an idea about a book and about 101 stories that would be in the first book and then they agreed to each meditate an hour a day on what Title they would give the book.
To make a long story short Jack thought of his grandmothers chicken soup sure and everything and he thought there a book would be the chicken soup for the SOUL. And they ended up calling the book, “CHICKEN SOUP for the SOUL”, and selling over 75 million copies eventually sold the rights to a new ownership group led by William J. Rouhana and Robert D. Jacobs for millions of dollars!!
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